False Beliefs Leading People To Believe In A Cure For CorinaVirus?

This week the president of the United States announced that he is personally taking hydroxychloroquine to fight off the coronavirus. This medication has raised concerns with medical professionals who have stated that this type of medication will lead to drastic side effects and it is not a overall ideal treatment for the virus. The president has received a good amount of backlash due to the fact that he is promoting a drug which has not been proven to help in any way instead there has been cases of individuals ingesting the drug and having terrible side affects that land them in the hospital. According to Nikki Carvajal from CNN, “ A couple of week ago, I started taking it, “Trump said. He later said he’d been taking it every day for a week and a half. The admission was a dramatic development in Trump’s attempts to promote hydrixychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus, which began earlier in the outbreak and has been met with resistance from medical professionals. Because the drug is prescribed to treat malaria and other conditions, Trump has cast it as safe and suggested coronavirus patients have little to lost by trying it but at least one study has shown the drug does not work against Covid-19 and could cause heart problems.” This type of rhetoric and mindset could be dangerous as many people will follow the recommendations of the president instead of medical professionals which could lead to a furry of hospital cases due to complication caused by hyroxychloroquine. I believe that more caution should be taken in order to stop false and harmful information from leaving the White House until some type of research is conducted in order to ensure the drug is safe for public consumption.


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