The President Golfs While America Suffers.

As states start to slowly reopen there economy by slowing allowing certain businesses and public areas to allow guests back to purchase goods and services, the virus still wreaks havoc within many of these states attempting to reopen and return to some type of normalcy. As the United States passes the 100,000 marks for deaths caused by the coronavirus the president of the United States believed it would be the perfect time to go out golf instead of attending to more important matters. Once the reports came out that the president went out to golf the public instantly started to complain as they saw this as the president not caring for the victims that lost their lives due to the coronavirus. According to Martin Pengelly from The Guardian, "As public health experts warn about the potential cost of reopening too soon, the Trump administration is encouraging states to kick start their economies and people to enjoy the Memorial Day weekend, traditionally the start of the American summer." statements such as these can be dangerous as it encourages families to go out and interact with others in pubic spaces even if the virus is still very much in circulation and continuing to infect individuals. It seems now the president is receiving never-ending backlash from just about everyone as he continues to support the idea of reopening America while the virus is still active and a cure is still months away from being deployed for public use. We can now only hope that the medical professionals around the president are able to convince him that reopening the country to early can lead to catastrophic results in regards to human life as well as the economy.



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