Outline Blog for the Semester.

This semester I would like to go into depth about how private companies and organizations deal with and react to public pressure due to an action or comment produced by them or an employee. I believe a crucial part of any company or organization is how quickly they react to sudden pressure coming from the outside in. Also how smoothly they are able to deal with the over all situation and how they layout a recovery plan in order to regain the public’s trust. Situations that instantly come to my mind from past events are the me too movement and how companies approached this particularly sensitive situation or events such BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico created a massive public outrage which demanded BP pay severely for damaging the local eco-system. It is a top priority for companies to keep the public happy and continue the production of their goods and services which ultimately wind-up in the consumers hand. This is why these companies will go to whatever length possible to keep the public happy and they are very much willing to remove and separate themselves from employees who step out of line and cause some sort of action which puts the entire operation in jeapordy. PR is a poweful tool that can be used by both the public and companies to benefit or hurt one another.


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